कुछ भी

Over 3.5 month ago, things looked very different. We could gather in groups larger than ten. There was traffic on the highways. Flying on a plane wasn’t seen as a hazard. 

I used to get up from bed at 5:45 am after snoozing my morning alarm quite a number of times, keeping in mind I have to be there in the office on time, getting ready within 10 minutes. 

That’s how my day used to begin. 

Today our life abruptly came to a stagnant point, because for few people (that includes me for sure) they are  working from home, getting bored using different social media platforms.

Let’s be honest with one another: despite it being necessary, being stuck at home sucks. You can’t meet up with your friends, go to the gym, going to work (I hate to admit it but that’s true) or do all the other fun things you would normally do outside. However, life doesn’t have to be all miserable and gloomy as a result..

I love to utilize this so-called quarantine life by doing nothing like literally NOTHING…..

But then again you need money for your bread and butter and for that you need to work. 

Luckily (Sarcastic) my office starts at 5 in the morning and because you are a journalist (thank God I did journalism *again sarcastic*) you need to be updated, Honest, curious and all such stuff. It’s not like I don’t like my job लेकिन अगर रोज़ सुबह 5 बजे उठ के stories file करनी पड़े तो.... मतलब समझ रहे  हो ना. 

My daily routine nowadays is waking up super early, starting work then attending handover calls. Watching something on Netflix in my sleepy eyes and sometimes accidentally falling asleep.
Since life as we know it has drastically changed. It has affected every corner of the world and every aspect of society from the economy, to our daily routines. The way we live our lives looks a lot different today than that we used too.

So every one of us is quarantined and isolated in our apartments. You may feel sad, anxious, angry, guilty or even happy, but you don’t need to compare yourself with others. I mean this coming from me is really a big thing. I am still that little girl who wants everything that others have (to be honest I still want it). But I have understood that there’s no need to come out of quarantine with an unofficial degree in cooking, or fashion blogging (although I’d love too), a choreographer (Google searched the spelling).
Everyone adapts to changes differently, and there is no timeline on how long it ‘should’ take to get used to this new normal (because it is going to stay darling). If the most you do is get out of bed each day, that is okay. 

In the end I would just like to add one thing: let's sprinkle kindness around, heal so that we do not bleed on people who didn't cut us, spread more love and be there for each other.


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