
People say the internet and social media contribute to the outgrowth of depression and anxiety in
the society today. I don’t know what people? exactly, but
 You know  you can google that shit. It’s almost universally accepted theory today.
And, I think it’s easy to see why.
You got your phone in your hand, you can easily open up Instagram(because it’s my favorite), Snapchat,
Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook  and  boom, immediately, someone is doing something you’re not doing,
and you feel.
Well, you feel a little bit like a loooooser. That is, unless you’re doing something too.

But even if you’re doing something, someone else’s something is always better than your something.
It’s kind of liked to the high school. There’s the pack of cool kids having all their fun, doing wonderful
stuff on the weekends, and then there’s you. Why can’t I be doing that?
It’s only when you get older, and you learn that the cool kid group actually peaked in high school  
There’s really only one life that matters.
Your life.

And the people in it. You can spend a lifetime looking at things outside of yourself, believing they are better than what you already have, but the truth is the complete opposite.
There are goals, of course. We should always have benchmarks we are trying to hit, places we want to see ourselves, lives we are trying to have. But, we should also be incredibly grateful for the lives we’re already living. Even if it’s just delivering pizza or working at the local grocery store. There’s beauty and life in that too.


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