You tolerated me.

I wanted to play tough

Thought I could do all just on my own
But even Superwoman
Sometimes needed Superman's soul
(Lines Courtesy: Helium)
I never saw it coming. Things have gotten so bad with us lately. I suppose it was only a matter of time before it would come to this. I am not sure why I am allowing myself to feel so guilty. In fact, it was for fear that I would find myself in this position.
P.C: Pinterest

We have changed so much — in some ways for the better, but largely not. At least not together, anyway. I seemingly disappeared slowly as you scrolled endlessly through your phone seeking something to hold your attention  but  never me.
I spoke up to you about it a few times. Even when I did speak up, it seemed to me you chose to do very little about it or rather NOTHING about it. The resentment multiplied and, instead, I slipped deeper and deeper into silence (though I can never be serious :-p ). Not surprisingly but it became lonely there. I found myself trying to fight for us, but it takes two and it never connected.

I can’t say exactly where or when it happened. Only that it did and now I can’t undo it. I can’t even feel all that bad as it was all my mistake. They say we find love when we are least looking for it. I wasn’t looking, I swear. It hit me so unexpectedly, you hit on me. With you so absent in the physical and emotional sense. Maybe you will start to realize it, when I will began spending more time with someone else. It will sound like an excuse to you, I know, but you will gradually realize that I was suffering from the neglect of our relationship and it left me vulnerable. I remember our good times when I felt accepted, valued, supported. I felt beautiful and strong and like all of the pieces of me finally make sense.

(P.S Not my story)


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, right words choosen.. Greatt one Shreya 😊
